2018 Spring Jefferson

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Moderators: Rich Rock, Mazdahead, Matt Rowe

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Rich Rock
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2018 Spring Jefferson

Post by Rich Rock »

In an effort to reduce wait times in line, make it easier for everyone to form a three-car pod, reduce the potential for catch-ups, and just make the event operate more efficiently, we're planning to change how we do run groups.

Instead of having just two run groups, we're going to have three. Instead of using car classification to determine which group you're in, we're going to use your best time from the last two years at this event. This will result in all cars in any particular run group being more closely matched, time-wise.

For those who have never run at this event, or maybe have changed cars since the last time there, we're going to make our best guess on which group for you, then adjust if necessary. For those who haven't run this event, but have run Shenandoah in 2016 or 2017, we'll use your best time from that event to determine your run group, and adjust if necessary.

Two-driver cars will run in separate groups.

Please register well ahead of the early-entry deadline. This will make it much easier for us to have a list of cars/drivers and their run group before we get to the track.

Also, please share this info with anyone who might not be a member of this forum.


Rich Rock
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Re: 2018 Spring Jefferson

Post by Rich Rock »

Here's the latest:

The track says we should use the showers and gas pumps at Shenandoah.

They also say we may stay over Sunday night, but must be out by 6am Monday. Yes, that's very early, but that's the way it's gotta be this time. Believe, me, I tried!! Anyone who wants to stay over, but doesn't want to get up so early can stay elsewhere on Summit Point property Sunday night.

Right now it looks like we won't get access to the track until 6pm Friday.

BMR doesn't plan to raffle off a season pass this year, but we might have a raffle at Jefferson, winner gets their entry fee reimbursed. We're at 71 entries as of Thursday afternoon. Our entry limit is 85, so...

More details as we get closer to the event.


Rich Rock
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Re: 2018 Spring Jefferson

Post by Rich Rock »

Track management told me today that several days of rain have turned the facility into a watery, muddy mess. The ground is totally saturated and since there's some chance of more rain this week, they're not sure what kind of shape things will be in this weekend. So, they recommend that everyone who's coming should be prepared for puddles and mud in the Jefferson paddock. They suggested that we might have to use the Washington Circuit as our paddock for the weekend.

Looking at the forecast, I'm not convinced that will be necessary, but who knows. It could be a last minute decision that won't get made until Friday afternoon. Obviously, our first choice is to not use Washington Circuit, but, at the very least, we might need to ask people to store trailers (especially open trailers) there, because we're expecting a record turnout. If it's too soggy, motorhomes might be required to use Washington Circuit also.

So, it's still early, but everyone should come prepared for conditions and be flexible.

Please share this info.


Rich Rock
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Re: 2018 Spring Jefferson

Post by Rich Rock »

I expect an update from the track Thursday afternoon. I'll post here once that happens.
Rich Rock
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Re: 2018 Spring Jefferson

Post by Rich Rock »

We need workers! Several regulars won't be there. We need workers.

As of this morning the paddock had no puddles but the ground was still saturated. Today was warm and sunny, and tomorrow should be nice, too. Because the forecast calls for a chance of thunderstorms Saturday and Sunday, the track is thinking that larger rigs should plan on staying at Washington Circuit. The fear is that they will get stuck if it rains hard.

It will likely be a last minute decision on Friday.

There's a class on Friday which means we might not get in until 6pm. Anyone arriving early will likely be directed to Washington Circuit
Tim Murphy
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Re: 2018 Spring Jefferson

Post by Tim Murphy »

Thanks Rich,

We are sharing all updated information to the wankerville site on facebook.
See you at the track.

Mayor of Wankerville
Rich Rock
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Re: 2018 Spring Jefferson

Post by Rich Rock »

Thanks to everyone who was there, and special thanks to those who worked or brought workers!!

I'm interested in hearing comments on the new 3-group system, or any other aspect of the event?

I didn't count hands, but it looked like 75-80 % were in favor of moving the Spring event to Shenandoah next year. I haven't booked it yet, though. Any other comments?


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Re: 2018 Spring Jefferson

Post by gdh57 »

The 3-group system worked very well in my opinion. The idea was really sound to begin with, but I think Dave Merritt really made it work.

First, he walked up and down the staging line to reorganize us into better pods. But more importantly, he was the one who walked over to the event microphone several times during each run group to make announcements. Even to call the current group again when it wasn't last call. I really didn't have a lot of extra "walking" in me this weekend, and never once did I have to walk over to the staging area to figure out if I needed to get in line.

I didn't vote on Shenandoah vs Jefferson at the meeting. I like both tracks. On further reflection, I think I'd like to keep Jefferson for the Spring.
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Re: 2018 Spring Jefferson

Post by gdh57 »

I also put this on Facebook for whatever it's worth:

Spring Jefferson 2018 - Long update

Another fun PHA event has come and gone – Spring Jefferson at Summit Point Motorsports Park in WV.

There was a bit of anxiety before the event, as the venue and surrounding areas were so flooded the weekend before that the scheduled events were cancelled (including the Jefferson 500). We weren’t sure what shape the Jefferson circuit pits would be in, and were prepared to pit over at Washington circuit, the old go-cart track. But things dried out enough during the week, and we all got to pit over at Jefferson.

Turnout was average at about 75 entries, so it was a bit crowded, but everyone managed to find enough space.

We tried a new run group format this weekend to cut down on the catch ups. Cars were divided into 3 run groups based on historical times (with adjustments made as needed over the weekend). This made it much easier to divide us into “pods” of 3, and there were very few catch ups. Dave Merritt worked tirelessly both days up and down staging to be sure we were in the right order and with the right group.

I was also really impressed by how well informed we were – there were multiple announcements for each run group. This was not as easy as it sounds, as the microphone is some distance from the start line, so each announcement meant someone had to walk up there and back. I have to give the organizers an A+ for this event!

The weather was iffy all weekend. Interestingly enough, it never cooled down that much Friday night, so the track conditions were great first thing Saturday morning. We ended up breaking for lunch Sat morning in the middle of group 1, and the rain came in after lunch as group 1 finished. The other two groups did not manage to finish as the track kept getting shut down for multiple lightning strikes. The event was eventually called for the day.

The forecast for Sunday was rain starting at 7 AM, but it kept changing, and we actually never got any rain until after we were done running. The track was dry when we started out, and track conditions were great all day.

Kurt Eikenburg had FTD with a 75.825, which he set on his very first lap of the weekend! The official results aren’t posted yet, but I’m pretty sure that Mark Aubele was in second place with a 76.705 in his 97 BMW M3. Wow!

This was my first event back after my car accident last July. I’m still not back to 100%, so wasn’t able to walk around as much as I normally do. I missed watching some of the more epic battles, and didn’t get a chance talk to everyone I wanted to talk to, but it was really good to be back!

On Friday night (Sat AM?), Thor talked me into catching the midnight course walk. I was so glad to hear that this had become tradition! The entire course was a bit too much for me, and Thor and I started late, so we cut over to the back half of the course via the carousel from the original track and waited. It did not disappoint! I actually learned something very important about the approach to the turn at the end of the back straight. Thanks Mike!

My first runs were horrible. :-) I found out that while I can shift during normal circumstances, racing shifts were something different all together. Due to the fact that one of the roll cage bars runs directly in front of the pedals, I have to bend my foot to press the clutch in, and, well, the left foot doesn’t bend that far when the clutch is stomped on. It’s also hard for me to move my left leg on and off the clutch pedal normally, and when under any g-force, it’s almost impossible.

It took me all weekend to figure out a semi-comfortable way to shift. And I decided to skip shifting in a few places where I would have. Clearly that is unacceptable, so I know what to work on!

By the last runs on Sunday, I felt like I was finally racing the car again. My last run of the day was my fastest. It would have been faster, but about 100’ before the finish line, I tried to shift to fourth, and I hit second. Tried again, got second. Gave up and coasted across the finish line.

I guess I currently only have a limited amount of racing shifts allocated per weekend, and I had used them all up :-D

Anyway, I am very glad to be back, and cannot wait for Weatherly in 2 weeks.
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