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Post by gdh57 »

Rich Rock asked me to share the following information:

SCCA has suspended National events for the remainder of this month. I think all SCCA members have received an email from National which details the thinking behind their decision. If not, go to the website to read it.

Whether or not that suspension gets extended beyond this month remains to be seen. Things have been changing quickly over the past few days, and at this time we can't be sure what the future holds.

For the PHA, here's what I can tell you with certainty. BMR has received the sanction and insurance from SCCA for Pagoda Hillclimb, and the permit application to the City of Reading was sent today.

BMR has also received the sanction for Spring Jefferson and expects to receive the Certificate of Insurance (COI) this coming week. We already have a signed contract from Summit Point for the event, and Summit Point has stated they plan to continue honoring contracts and hosting events. Go to to read their recently posted update.

For now, all PHA event organizers, sponsors, vendors, drivers, and workers should proceed with the expectation that our events will happen as scheduled. I've talked to Joe Cyburt/Weatherly and emailed organizers for Polish Mountain, Giants, and Shenandoah with that recommendation .

So for now, that's the plan. The good news is that our first event isn't for a couple months, and we can hope that things will get better by then. Ultimately, it won't be up to us, though. If this thing gets really bad, we'll have to comply with National, state, or local government'restrictions regarding events/gatherings. In the meantime we should follow the CDC and official National recommendations with regard to this virus.

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