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Duryea Thanks----Donna Update

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:31 pm
by Rich Rock
Just a quick note to say THANKS to everyone who was involved. Officials, cornerworkers, drivers and crew all helped make what is SCCA's most popular hillclimb happen. The folks from the City of Reading were once again impressed that everything looked better on Monday morning than it did before we got there. Great job, everyone!

For those who don't know, on Sunday, when we were delivering lunches to the cornerworkers, Donna, who was at Turn 6, told us she was not feeling well and might not be able to finish the day. We asked the ambulance guys to assess her. They offered to take her to the hospital, but she said "no" she didn't want to hold up the event, she would go there herself. She never found the hospital, but she did manage to drive home.

She saw her doctor on Monday and when I talked to her Wednesday morning she told me she was " hanging in there", taking antibiotics to fight the infection that was causing her lungs to fill up with fluid.

I know we all hope things work out for the best for one of PHA's most dedicated members.
