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Why results are needed...

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:46 pm
by Ron Mann
So…what do I do with these PHA results??

1. I have currently transcribed all the results from the following PHA seasons: 1964 - 1977, & 2007 - 2011 into Excel worksheets and are available for anyone interested. I do get requests for results pertaining to hill climbs from every decade!

2. I also created an Excel worksheet that I call, "the record keeper", you can view each class winner...through the years for each of the current hill climbs we do. Creating this file has led to the discovery of a few records that were incorrect and have since been corrected by Nelson. This to is available to anyone, but is still a work in progress as I wait for lost results to surface.

3. I also track individual class wins for drivers…who are our top winners…without a complete set of results…we may never know…as of now, I have a good running list, but would love to have complete set instead of putting an (*) behind each name!!