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Charlie Reel's Mini "Makes the Cut!"

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:54 am
by PitCrewLinda
Charlie's car is famous! Here's the link to see Charlie's car on the Zappos website.
This is a quote from Charlie Reel
"I was contacted by Phila Picture Cars; they were looking for a classic Mini (red) for a shoot. Pretty neat new experience, I was at a bed and breakfast at 6:30 Am for the shoot, it took all day, with at least 25 people. A production company did the photos plus Dansko people doing other shots, so far this is all they are showing. They said it would be for the use of their dealers for the fall line. I got <money> to bring the car for the shoot. It was fun. I never knew how much effort went into these ads, just to use one or two photos, they took hundreds, lighting guys, etc., quite an operation.

This is a picture that Charlie took while his the shoot was going on.
Congratulations Charlie; the car looks good!

Re: Charlie Reel's Mini "Makes the Cut!"

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:50 am
by BarbaraT
I used to be in advertising and it is quite unbelievable how many people and how long it takes to do a shoot. Doing TV ads and video takes even longer. The car looks great and I think it's always fun to show friends pictures of your car in ads. It's like your car is famous now.